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Viktor 36 - Zakladatež

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Viktor 36 - Zakladatež Empty Viktor 36 - Zakladatež

Odoslať  Viktor 36 Pi 23 december 2011 - 11:46

RuneScape som začal hra v máji roku 2007, keď mi o tom povedal môj kamarát Jozef204 (teraz BKJozef226). Nad mojím menom som dlho rozmýšža nemusel. Dal som si meno Viktor 36. "Viktor" od môjho skutočného mena a číslo ... Veža žudí sa ma pýta, prečo mám v mene číslo "36". Keď som si vytváral účet, tak som si spomenul na môjho deda, ktorý zomrel iba pár rokov predtým a narodil sa v roku 1936. Na jeho počes som si dal do môjho mena číslo "36". Odkedy som začal hra, tak som stále mal ten istý účet s tým istým menom a nikdy som ho nezmenil. Účet som si dokázal udrža aj napriek tomu, že mi ho viackrát ukradli.

Moje začiatky v RuneScape boli vežmi pomalé, pretože som mohol hra iba raz za týždeň. Môj kamarát Jozef204 mi ukázal hru a povedal mi všetko, čo som potreboval. Pár žudí z našej základnej školy hralo RuneScape a ja som sa snažil by z nich najlepší. Bol som prvý, ktorý urobil quest Dragon Slayer. V tej dobe to bol pre nás najažší quest. Iba mesiac potom, ako som začal hra, som založil môj klan Blue Knights. Boli sme noobovia a išli sme do Wildu s Full Rune, čo znamenalo celý nᚠmajetok. Po pár minútach vo Wilde sme sa všetci ocitli v Lumbridge bez našich vecí, ale bola to sranda. Ako som už spomenul, tak môj účet bol scamnutý viackrát a to konkrétne štyrikrát, ale nikdy som to nevzdal. Woodcutting sa stal mojím najobžúbenejším skillom a zarobil som si ním veža peňazí.

Dva a pol roka som hral RuneScape ako free hráč. Asi od polovice roku 2008 som sa po RuneScape prechádzal vo svojom Full Rune (t) a tento outfit mi vydržal vežmi dlho. Po dlhom čase a viacerých neúspešných pokusoch zaplatenia Membera som sa 25. októbra 2009 stal memberom. Neprešla ani hodina na P2P Worlde a už som mal Total level 1000. Za všetky moje peniaze, ktoré som zarobil woodcuttingom, som si kúpil memberský outfit a Abyssal Whip za 4 milióny. Neustále som trénoval combat, pretože som chcel by prospešnejší pre klany. Môj prvý vežký úspech na RuneScape bol Woodcutting level 99, ktorý som po dlhej dobe dokončil 7. júla 2010. Woodcutting som afkoval, pretože som toho mal v reálnom živote veža.

Druhého augusta 2010 som sa pridal ku klanu Czecho-Slovak Forces s combat levelom 103, aby som si zlepšil moje warring skills a pomohol CZ/SK komunite. Trénoval som combat a zlepšoval si svoj tanking a binding. Potreboval som combat 110, aby som sa mohol sta plnohodnotným členom. Bohužiaž, nestihol som urobi combat level 110, tak som bol nútený z CSF po mesiaci odís. Tento klan mi vežmi pomohol s mojím warring skillom. Veril som, že raz ten combat urobím a vrátim sa tam.

Môj ďalší ciež bol Defence level 99, aby som mohol lepšie tankova. Robil som ho vežmi pomaly, pretože som nemal veža času na RuneScape. No, ako sa hovorí : "Pomaly, ale isto!". Keď som úspešne dokončil combat 110, tak som sa 6. marca 2011 vrátil do CSF. Môj warring skill sa zlepšoval a tým som pomohol aj klanu Blue Knights. Blue Knights sa zlepšoval spolu so mnou, pretože som mohol odovzda členom klanu to, čo som sa naučil ja. Po dlhom snažení som 23. apríla 2011 úspešne dokončil aj Defence level 99 a z môjho Woodcutting Skillcape sa stal trimmed skillcape. Pol roka som bol v CSF najaktívnejší člen a v apríli som sa stal aj členom mesiaca. CSF sa rozhodlho zruši multiclanning s ostatnými CZ/SK klanmi a ja som bojoval o to, aby sa to nestalo. Moje snahy boli márne, a preto som na prelome augusta a septembra 2011 musel CSF opusti. Od septembra 2011 som tam bol iba Clan Friend. Vyhral som aj award Best Clan Friend za rok 2011.

Druhého septembra 2011 som sa pridal ku klanu Clan Europe a môj warring skill sa zlepšil ešte viac. Kým som bol v Clan Europe, tak sa obnovila naša stará CZ/SK RuneScape komunita a ja som sa stal 13. októbra 2011 adminstrátorom CSRUNE (komunitné fórum). Odvádzal som výbornú prácu na fóre a rovnako aj v Clan Europe a 30. októbra som sa stal Event Coordinatorom v Clan Europe. Odvádzal som výbornú prácu a moje schopnosti sa zlepšovali. Ešte pred koncom roka som postúpil na pozíciu Co-Leadra. Neskôr počas roku 2012 som vystriedal pozície Leadra a Administrátora. Funkciu administrátora som zastával až do môjho konca v RuneScape.

V roku 2011 som dokončil aj môj Constitution level 99 (20. novembra 2011) a Attack level 99 (18. decembra 2011). Začiatkom roka 2012 som urobil tiež Strength (6. januára 2012) a Cooking level 99 (11. marca 2012).

Môj klan Blue Knights začal v novembri 2011 spolupracova s klanom Night Killers. Založili sme alianciu BNK a stále sme sa zlepšovali. Desiateho decembra 2011 som vstúpil aj do klanu Night Killers, aby som zlepšil našu spoluprácu. Neskôr som bol nútený odís a bol som Clan Friend až kým som 14. apríla 2012 neopustil NK úplne. Medzi našimi klanmi vznikli spory a naša aliancia sa rozpadla.

Chcel som pomáha aj malým klanom, a preto som sa 26. februára 2012 pridal ku malému CZ/SK klanu Devil Knights, ale ostal som tam iba na mesiac a pol. Taktiež som hžadal nejaký dobrý tím, a keď som objavil Team Morphic, tak som neváhal a 1. marca 2012 som tam vstúpil. Vydržal som tam polroka, a potom som požiadal o rank Team Friend. Jeden kamarát potreboval pomoc s jeho klanom, tak som sa 25. marca 2012 prvýkrát ocitol aj v požskom klane Green Dragons, kde som sa vežmi rýchlo dostal navrchol. V polovici mája 2012 som odišiel z Devil Knights a Green Dragons, aby som sa mohol venova iným veciam.

Rok 2012 bol zaujímavý a klan Czecho-Slovek Forces založil svojich Juniors, kde bol povolený multiclanning. Od 1. mája 2012 do 3. júna 2012 som v tomto klane pôsobil ako Official, ale kvôli sporom s niektorými hráčmi som klan radšej opustil. Neskôr sa klan Czecho-Slovak Forces rozhodol zruši zákaz multiclanningu a 12. októbra 2012 som sa tam vrátil ako člen. Samozrejme, že hráči na naše spory nikdy nezabudli, tak som koncom roka 2012 získal award Biggest Failure ako odmenu za naše spory.

Moju poslednú 99-tku som dal 28. októbra 2012 a bol to Ranged. Jagex od polovice roku 2012 pracoval na vežkej zmene RuneScape a 20. novembra 2012 to prišlo. Do RuneScape prišiel nový combat systém a Clan Wars sa rapídne zmenili. Tento update som znášal zle a tiež aj veža ďalších hráčov najmä v oblasti warring klanov. Tento systém som skúsil, ale vôbec sa mi to nepáčilo a kvôli novému combat systému som stratil zážubu v Clan Wars.

Nový systém postihol celý warring a klany sa začali zatvára. Neveril som, že to niekedy príde, ale 16. decembra 2012 sme boli nútení skonči s warringom aj v Blue Knights a stal sa z nás iba komunitný klan. Stále som bol Administrátor v Clan Europe a myslel som, že to nejak prežijem a budem pokračova, ale ten nový systém to pokazil. Prvého januára 2013 som sa rozhodol odís z celého RuneScape. V Clan Europe som si dal rank Retired Admin, aby som mohol stále pomáha s vecami mimo RuneScape. Toto bol príbeh o mojom RuneScape živote. Ďakujem za čítanie Smile

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Naposledy upravil Viktor 36 dňa St 2 január 2013 - 15:47, celkom upravené 4 krát.
Viktor 36
Viktor 36

Počet príspevkov : 2769
Age : 30
Bydlisko : Slovensko, Belža
Registration date : 09.04.2008
RS Name : Viktor 36
IRC Nick : Viktor_36
Clan : Clan Europe
F2P Combat : 126

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Viktor 36 - Zakladatež Empty English Version

Odoslať  Viktor 36 Pi 23 december 2011 - 11:49

I started to play RuneScape in May 2007 when my friend Jozef204 (now BKJozef226) said me about this game. I didn't have to think long above my name. I gave the name of Viktor 36. "Viktor" was from my real name and number ... A lot of people ask me why I have "36" in name. When I was creating my account, I remembered my grandfather which died only a few years ago and he was born in 1936. In his honor I gave number "36" in the name. I had same account and same name since my begin and I have never changed the name. I have managed to maintain my account despite the fact it was stolen several times.

My start in RuneScape was very slow, because I could play only once a week. My friend showed me the game and he told me all what I needed to know. A few people from our elementary school played RuneScape and I wanted to be the best of them. I was first of them who made Dragon Slayer quest. It was the hardest quest for us at the time. Only one month after the start I founded my clan Blue Knights. We were noobs and we went into the Wilderness with Full Rune, which was our fortune. After a few minutes in Wilderness we found ourselves in Lumbridge without our items, but it was funny. As I mentioned earlier, my account was scammed four times, but I never gave up. Woodcutting became my favourite skill and I earned a lot of money with it.

I played RuneScape as F2P player two and half years. From about mid-2008 I walked over RuneScape in my Full Rune (t) and the outfit resisted for a long time. After a long time and several unsuccessful attemtps to pay P2P, I became p2p on the 25th October 2009. Only one hour after paying I leveled up my Total level 1000. For all my money that I earned by Woodcutting, I bought my p2p outfit and Abyssal Whip for 4 million. I always trained combat, because I wanted to be better for clans. My first big achievement was Woodcutting level 99 which I leveled up on the 7th July 2010. I was afking Woodcutting a lot, because I had a lot of things to do in real life.

I joined clan Czecho-Slovak Forces on the 2nd August 2010 with combat level 103, so I could improve my warring skills and help to CZ/SK community. I trained combat, tanking and binding. I needed combat 110 to become Full Member. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to level up 110 combat, so I had to leave Czecho-Slovak Forces after one month. This clan helped me with my warring skill much. I believed that I will have combat once and I will come back.

My another major achievement was Defence level 99 for better tanking. I was leveling it very slowly, because I didn't have time for RuneScape. When I leveled up 110 combat successfully, so I re-joined CSF on the 6th March 2011. My warring skill was improving very well and I could help to my clan Blue Knights also. Blue Knights improved with me too, because I could learn my members what I learned in CSF. After much effort I successfully leveled up my Defence level 99 on the 23rd April 2011 and my Woodcutting Skillcape became trimmed skillcape. I was the most active member of CSF for half year and I became Member of the month in April 2011. CSF decided to cancel multiclanning with other CZ/SK clans and I fought against it. My efforts were in vain and I had to leave CSF in late August and September 2011. I was Clan Friend of CSF since September 2011 and I won the award Best Clan Friend of year 2011.

I joined Clan Europe on 2nd September 2011 and my warring skills improved too much. While being in Clan Europe our old CZ/SK community re-opened and I became Administrator of CSRUNE (Community Board) on the 13th October 2011. I was doing very good job on board and in Clan Europe too and I became Event Coordinator of Clan Europe on the 30th October 2011. Before the end of year I qualified for the rank Co-Leader. Later in 2012 I was Leader and Administrator. I was Administrator until my end in RuneScape.

In 2011 I completed my Constitution level 99 (20th November 2011) and Attack level 99 (18th December 2011). At the beginning of 2012 I did Strength also (6th January 2012) and Cooking level 99 (11th March 2012).

My clan Blue Knights started working with Night Killers in November 2011. We founded Alliance BNK and we were improving us. I joined Night Killers clan on the 10th December 2011 for better cooperation. I was forced to leave later and I was Clan Friend until I abandoned NK completely on the 14th April 2012.

I wanted to help to small clans and I joined small CZ/SK clan Devil Knights on the 26th February 2012, but I was there only for one and half month. I was looking for some good team and I found Team Morphic. I didn't hesitate and I joined on the 1st March 2012. I stayed there for six months and then I asked for rank Team Friend. One friend needed help with his clan, so I joined first time polish clan Green Dragons on the 25th March 2012, where I quickly got upper hand. In mid-May 2012, I left Devil Knights and Green Dragons, because I needed to deal with other things.

Year 2012 was very interesting. Clan Czecho-Slovak Forces founded theirs Juniors, where they allowed multiclanning. From 1st May 2012 to 3rd June 2012 I served as the Official, but due the disputes with some of members I prefered to leave the clan. Later clan Czecho-Slovak Forces decided to cancel the ban of multiclanning and I went there back as a member on the 12th October 2012. Of course, some members didn't forget our disputes, so I won award Biggest Failure for year 2012 as reward for our disputes.

My last 99 I leveled up on the 28th October 2012 and it was Ranged. Jagex worked on the big change of RuneScape since mid-2012 and it came in November 2012. New combat system came to RuneScape and Clan Wars rapidly changed. I didnt like this update and also a lot of other players especially in warring clans. I tried this system, but I didnt enjoy it. I lost my interest in Clan Wars because of it.

The new system affected the whole of warring clans and clans has begun to close. I didn't believe it ever come, but by the 16th December 2012, we were forced to end with warring in Blue Knights and we became only community clan. I was still Administrator in Clan Europe and I thought I will survive somehow and I will continue, but the new system was wrong for me. I decided to retire from RuneScape completely on the 1st January 2013. I took rank Retired Admin in Clan Europe so I can still help with some things. This was the story of my RuneScape life. Thank you for reading this and sorry for my English Smile

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~Viktor 36
Viktor 36
Viktor 36

Počet príspevkov : 2769
Age : 30
Bydlisko : Slovensko, Belža
Registration date : 09.04.2008
RS Name : Viktor 36
IRC Nick : Viktor_36
Clan : Clan Europe
F2P Combat : 126

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